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BA at Humboldt State University

English Writing Practices

Environmental Interpretation


I've been a photographer ever since I can remember.  As a kid, I used to take my parents' camera and walk around outside capturing images of the sunset and our family dogs.  As I got older, I procured my first camera, the Nikon D300, that I still use and shoot with today.


It wasn't until I was in high school that i had my first professional experience with photography.  I took an internship at a photographic art studio in my hometown, and learned so much about lighting, studio photography, free-lancing, and running my own business.


All through college, I've done several photo shoots for graduation photos, senior pictures for high school, landscape photography, events, and more.  


I'm passionate about what I do, and always excited for the opportunities to get more experience in the field and learn more about my camera and artistic eye.

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